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The Parallax feature allows you to add the 3D parallax effect available on the iOS home screen to your TouchControl home screen and activity backgrounds.  This is strictly a cosmetic effect and has no other impact on your use of TouchControl.


To enable Parallax, open settings and tap on the “Parallax” option.  This will display the Parallax settings screen where you can enable various settings to control how parallax works on your device.  The following settings are available:


  • Enable home screen parallax – This setting enables the parallax effect for your TouchControl home screen background.  Note that you must set a custom home screen background using the “My Background” setting for home screen parallax to have any effect.  Using the default blue TouchControl background will not display any parallax effect.

    • Low/Medium/High parallax level – select the level of parallax animation you want for the home screen.

  • Enable activity parallax – This setting enables the parallax effect for the backgrounds in activities that have had parallax enabled within the server designer (see below).  By default, parallax is not enabled within the server designer.  If parallax is enabled for any activities within the designer, but this setting is OFF, then parallax will be still be OFF for all activities.

  • Force activity parallax – If the above “Enable activity parallax” setting is ON, this setting will enable parallax in activities that have NOT had parallax specifically configured within the server designer (see below).

    • Low/Medium/High parallax level – select the level of parallax animation you want for all un-configured activities.


To enable parallax in individual activities within the TouchControl Server designer (version 9.1 or higher), open an activity in the designer, right-click on the activity background, and select the “Background Parallax” option.  This will display the following options:


  • Off – Parallax is not enabled for this activity (the default), but the “Force activity parallax” setting on the client will override this and enable the parallax effect.

  • High – The highest level of parallax animation is enabled for this activity.  The “Force activity parallax” level on the client has no effect.

  • Medium – A moderate level of parallax animation is enabled for this activity.  The “Force activity parallax” level on the client has no effect.

  • Low – A minimal level of parallax animation is enabled for this activity.  The “Force activity parallax” level on the client has no effect.

  • Disabled – Parallax is not enabled for this activity, and the “Force activity parallax” setting on the client will NOT override this.  Parallax will always be OFF for this activity.

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